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The Bisexuallife Group

Public·33 members

Charles Bennett
Charles Bennett

SHANK - Loving Our Small

SMUCKER. John Henry Smucker was born inMahoning county, Ohio, Sept. 19th. 1857, and died at his homein Champaign county, Ohio, Oct 15th, 1892, aged 35 years and 26days. He united with the Amish Mennonite church in his youth,and was a consistent member. He was united in matrimony to SusanSwartz, Dec. 25th, 1883, living happily together nearly nine years.This union was blessed with two sons and two daughters. Twelvedays prior to his death he took sick quite suddenly which thedoctor pronounced pneumonia; he soon seemed to realize the factthat this would end his life, but after nearly a weeks sufferinghe seemed to be recovering slowly until the morning before hisdeath typhoid fever set in of which he suffered until evening,when death relieved him. He leaves his companion, four small children,three brothers and five sisters, who deeply mourn the loss ofa kind and loving husband, father, son and brother; but they neednot mourn as those who have no hope, for they have every reasonto believe that he has gone to that better land, where sorrowand pain never enter. The funeral services were held at the OakGrove Meeting-house Oct. 18th by Pre.'s Warye and Miller, fromPhil. 1:21. "For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain."A large concourse of friends and neighbors met to pay the lasttribute of respect to the departed brother.

SHANK - Loving our small


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