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Abram Shilov
Abram Shilov

Patch Fr Pour Hitman Contracts

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Patch fr pour hitman contracts

' ai (Cstatt .CwUBtry SeB-re far HH,Land for sale.sssr 4CBES of BnHnrror-d laud adjoining the re4 otJot M Q C Atkinson, on tbe rr-rmaatewn ."lankBoed MtcJKfnmU cut A ba-eatB cmi be hsd byJO- N BALI. I MRes. Battle Broker.Farm for Sale.INTENDING - change my bntinett, I uSer t .1Ml, pjj BaBM, ertntaluiBg MO ae-ei, oatlbr from r-WB Depot. 11 miles fron MeaBBhtS.mabll Oha b'. 'olJ ltoeUir. trains-- IHtcnt ae n cuH-rautc; th- p-atit troll timbered- growth of Poplar, fcc ft acr ofwhich to Bo- Otnt B .(tool ; abundance of bwttt felllB,.took valor, and to best weli waver to lb oounty Thtool iiiiooH ore raaeesnebto. a ooieb ated Awl' sadPeach orchard, is ton w of too aaast cnemi-nt amtdesirable alto. Oceit la Slvelt. counts T cs-n. fodeerr,farming lraplesnBtt. mate, kc . win be told with toopi ice If esralred For farther peeticalar errantre orMssart Wai'ace fc Tanpeiu Mearpai. or the sub-criberon the pi' mi low. B. T 11 SNVor Sale.A HOTJSB AKP LOT aitnat-d. Thrrd ottret,J. brtw ob Maoiaon and Eosroe. Roaoe ua uoe eaorr frame baiMuaf cf Bee rooma. withfcro-ro bm an '. kitrhe attached. Aiao two-ee ..liable for bid luan.l ami Owe third talk or Btaety oar ote. balancet f aBe ood two eeara. with Interest Apply oEDHUKDSOK A AKMSTTtOKO,,-p'a-tf Eaf Matt aBroot.A Great BargainTHE anwrrsurn d baeo Two BBBdred aadb-Ten and a ha'f (397 n) acres of ealoabteLa -d . tea route, f-om At- Baphta. on ih Memphuand Chart. on aailroadanaf- rroniown Plankroad, aad to a One boa naichborhood, and witbio onqoarterof a Blileof aflai atataoo. 116 acre, a BBdera rod loaee, ail reset last Saiirf, and about T700 feet alnew plank fence ; a rod boa sc. Clatera, Stat re and otheOBX bowse Or hard an all -omplete. A food baraarli be pverToj; thv aboeedeacribed rrop-r!'- If appuocloaaao JOBS' BROWN".Hob e aid Lot at a Btrixa.fl.BarWTSH to sell a Owrinu Hon e aad Lotu- -"er:. - niT Ite Phejon'a F 'ne'ot mill IIS feot Adana ataeot, rantrac tsxA laS fM Toe hon-e ooataaas elahtimosq.. a . h aarsanu' aartAaoBts aad two cisterns addatrr in he roar.Bloet oay, DererreUat one ant two rears,w-ih Bwert.'A EE? BOTH.Grocery um3 Uqaor errbant?So 170 Vatn trartBENNETT HOUSE FOB SALE.TEIS well kaowa BoaoJ.ln Br.oo.ill r.Ten , bKlloaetaer ;lh the Farnitore ta now offeredfor ale, oo good tenoa The Faraitnre la arand as aew. haetna been ta see only a ew EULas "!. T ataad is aa -xcelleBt one, aad a two BBTaaia w n be fiewa If appttcatioa ia made on, as I amaitaaaii. For rortaer i-r-ma-i -o. ap.j i.GEO W. BEBKETT. B'.'wassUla.fl Kkav. oa the eampals aad Ohw Rail nod.swimVal.aW PlaauttSB Wr -at.T OFFER 'o- a'e my Plsnuik." in Eadi- nJL pa'tah. Lon alana Thar tract casuals U lasOCT a. I- is aitaaiod oa the TVaaas neer. andthe Tick bnrr Ra..roal -an- a: -e the ror.teraboundary TVsre at a dopM oa the plare. aad a plantercan htp any day In the year by railroad or by T- nai Is to be prondod wut I rt. a do owaas ao io.niI naeutari n Th- land as leer: oooom me rer-tiUtyof wb.Ua to too weal kaowa to reoaire oaa oiand a bole to ooe and a half of cot 'on to the awelaaaaaa'crop. Th p'ooa to aaawaaal with o mod dwe 1 nt aad BtBhoaae, - lib (oar ataada. cisterns Ac Oo the p ace artwo baodred or' os or elralo cypress, which will pay th.price of the pi ace jr sawed ap. will roil the aboee 'aidat E0 p r acre f 20 000 cash. BfeS remainder IB tl reeeoaal payments, with Interest, if I sell pryor to tie !at otJaoaary aoxti 11 BN am beJee that tioae, I declloeonline al an BJOporoeaa wotkauk a nnaioa' asaada XIs a are chance, a art d lands, oeea ore enirar aaaaBBl Itat E to af per acr. There are oa It ihle year OOUac oa la col on and IS la com. Seven kexdred acr -ress be pat in Beat seas- a.P aons wlshlns to b"Come tbe owner of It are re-oaes ed to call on G B LOCCB. Anctioo-e- and E.Estate Broker, Memptu.-, Twoo. ar write m at Prvnuaa, Hle JAMES S PEACOCEB. E D.I BATE two hi deed sou sat tare (?43)on 1 1 of saleable Creek BeMom Land, la fleemiles . f Stanton ' Depot and e4omiicaaaaam.tie fUhad a-Wesley Camp-Ground, ft hartals can bety callinj on -.he undrratsned.W. B DOCGLAS..a-pl--ol'er.lianeeyrille, TeBB.Valuable Plantation for Sale.Bh a t BET rsiuahl Ptaota'aan, freatl s on th'ttHLBtsarataat nre- two mile, contatraTjaftS. .ere. ojft or-e. ta ftae state of cn'tivathaa. aad.alaa SOt- aceea - era three ' -ar. deadened I bartug althe lopi ii ion' u o oBBaary, of the best character oe(w cabins,, wita Brick chlmneyiper acre OTar-rhiU coat, h.iance paesoi w-niy four months from date, - I a m-Bawaj hi E B. ORNEXabor-Sauina Witfats.Important to Planters & Millers.FELTOVS IMPROVED54-ir-SlarFrfBlac: FerUMe ferist mil.J tmmmmmm o all Other Patents.mBTS is Mat of the taost raluabte la I IBtHBIOf the day.X p aseviag al! the qaauacatioat rsqatoite to make itwoaaaaot to the farmer It to dertjnod i app:y a wantthat hat tons in fit ty that port loa of ooanaanlty Itis oo t lassie ta aaaof rra-tlTti. that any peroon of ordinary akiScan run It and keep it b eroVr The gnwliusssrtace are of tbe moat duraoae character, harder thanany ua'i'' utor-i. and net liable to ge ont or order.It will grind wheat, com. oota buckwbt drura andsatooa crush and grind corn and rob admirably, or ehjaBadoosa aaaf oarn aad cob mar be w- r ground together. Teeasaall sue frame mill, with two-horse power, will grtn.frota Be. to eight bssheli of reperior corn meal per hourand from eix.i v. tea bn-beia of good feed for stock, andrequires hat little etienuoo, aad aaay be run by rla-beltwithout increase of expense. The large rue irame cullwilt grind ewer toriee that amount per boar. The mcata aot heated la r'mdlng a valuable Toatu-e Priceare. ftar aaaal! alxeftrSS; urge aixe (BBS. We hare theright to sell the State of Alabama. Bhwl-sippt, Lonieiaaa Ti niaeaaa, Kentocky. and a po-tlon ofA rare ebanc- la here offered foe comrartraft andi to engage in tbe aaie of 1:1Ooaaoy aad State rbrkU aoM on accommooaring i-rasAl! orde-ra. oooBuaaaicattoaa. and applications for Elfthteand Bill, oddreaaed Lo Ba wt!! las promptly nspoade - to.jraft-dawly JESNISOS h RETNOl.trS.P. S Davis. Hodoc E Williams Commianonan'tForwsfdtrag erchsnl ars oar ogeiiU iu M--rnpta TenrPremiurnCottonrp HB attaatkan of Cotton1. 1I to tae arer tt Co., East0 an: Bhslta.piete. Ml of whichiSc: to oar friends t:i- nj-a6WTNN E GIBSON,Eo. 1 aad i Eichangr Butiing.hi-nelt fasret BR tM1Btajtvtf'wttfatiottal.St. Agnes Female Academy,MEMPHIS, TENN.THE Session will eovunenc oa BONIMT tb 7th ofPasaSi wiaoai aorlB-dawl rrBVKD ' 1.COMMERCIAL COLLEGEassScleuUtU' Writinj; Vcadeuiy.M EM P HisTHE a ere Iaattluti Itab t'b-d aad tor int.oo at Ml Main atcrv-l. wheresail hothwr-uzbirprepa-ed SB IB M-rcanli e-kfe. The itt-adt ef Bdaoathrt ar partacaiarly raeitedto ehsli tae tasntBtlsso sad as the tyttem la all depart -"I'Lava ih'-'hiatr to r-fer 1 1 the foii-.wiag geBtleaaea 1Eo. J B T-sapse, V B Time. . E.q Frrsideat, W.A sea-.. Baft.. Cashier, Bank; Boor..Lawb T -ear at Co j Besar. F Lane a Co ; Beaere.Bra"-e. Wilaoo A CCp Teres, are moderate a-o4-'-Memphia Medical College.fftHB R-e :'ar Lec-rer-s ef this College win na mill1 ea MAN DAT, tae aft of NoI will Ifour in -n.t.iT A OCLTT.JOHN BILLINGTON, M. D., Iofesoor ofaad T-xleo ogy-ATEMis P BEE It ILL. B. B , FTofessoT of Principleaad Pracskss f B dicta.LEWIS SHAKES M D . Frofteor ef Ohttrtrict aadDltraoe, of Wom-a and Chiktrea.ABTRTB E TATtjOE B P.. P-ofeoorof AutllMHOWELL E BOBAEDS, B. D , Profcasor of Surg-ry.C B OCT BIB. B D., Protcttor of Bateria Bediraaad PhaeecyDN'EL F antiajBT, B. D , Professor of Plijstslsaiaad PathaligyGEORGE F. JONES, E DatoenvJOHN T. M ARABLE, B. Eof the Bu-Tbe fee f or the eo ire course It ft 10 parable la adTaace Bairicwatioa Foe. fth, tfraarastiiig Fee. .Aaatoasy and Dir-eetton, ft 10, to be taken ooce beforegraduating Bsseaaa oossa fro, tbe 1st of ilctaabrrA Preliminary Coarea of Lectures, free to all atudenu1 kaftrBBa uuxtl in ihe, will be deliwered during ihe mono. 01 Ocit- !2:h ot the month.(LTNICAL IBSTBTCTION The Msjcptis ha-itrH o pata to opa to the members of he chut at aJi time,and spec ai clinical .aalroctaon win be given in the wardssf the Institution ea two days W doeaday and 8. turds of every week The Dispenser, in on- of th"room- of tse College, receives a rge numb- r f pal sen aerery morning Sovsical opera! Keas arc perf-rrarft ramaw an ef the da -a. aad pataaau aaftTertug from a greatea'htt of diaeaaea BOS prescribed for, aad 111 II rim,rw-rrooended aod dl.pensasd, with each Instruct we asaaa he lllustrsted by pert ten! ar eao-a.Th (liege possesses aa aatafta Baeswe, CIsrmKa' andFhaattphlrel Anparatra., and ereryt log . sa-5 u,OV-mrmatrate thr c urse of lecture, esn each branch.Bts eats deatnng farther Information well adsrreasTeSvnUr L SEABKS. M D., Deaa.Botanico Medical, Tveinb Annaa' Conrse of Lectuies n ibi, wellI .biaraod BaiarsssS EUcal OoO-r- willO. W. BOEBOWof Anatomy aadrhfaaolagj.L. D. SBBLTON , EwaT8. F. OTTLBE. M. Desi Jti latwueVaot.D , Professor of Theory and Frac, Professor of Cheaalstry and Med!Professor of Obstetric, and Dis-nro" tjriNM. VWMOEEOW.M D , Frofaaoor ef Materia Medics andT GATLE, E D., Prufeator of InaUtutean! Ptbc-- - ' . TT-. . .V. ..... ft4. aiaaattsei esFor fartaaw fjstorBLataoa aae sasal 'C. OATLB.of the Faeulty.Jy7-daw4mJuly ft 18S7-One Thousand Agents Wanted."Ti ' .j3 sft to ft'" Pee ftavFor part realWtea, eoarseoe pxatageH OOI.DBON,. w co- iv. at -aiam - aa-l ronreasserdB-art:-Blatasaod. rb-wsJdm R?ClTedOA A PI ECUS EeottscEj Bargl.giOlMJaftacolla Eopt;10 base. Twloe;m r. sfc. M.. ..W, VailS ?1ST adaaa-Bstsn. Tao-i Whitby, Bran'iv, Wrae. Porter, Ale,awsWsVFUaks W-h Board, Mao,.UcU.-e,aTw, Gmg-r Soda Tea.. Ftrkie- Oysrter. S.rdttSaetard C'-P. d ail sagaxlirA JIly kpt by(f, aw w aeaoelJ-Bio OH ..-ot Wofl..bft..olfpI atepwriBTTTI hBe lost iwc-ivisj a asrB bare ;it beingof " Ffat Oeora 1W it belt theaft 1, aad the toast, of the M!s-fthauwl E -PortT.awa Trwrwc ro.CA.-t-Foetr, qearu ai.d pints, tvIlk-r toast- ... -Iin aeroa of which settr, ,lT-' -- - lsepeoeew-BUare- u waies both bra ereti end oeeerSMJM eeArsigned srcEaord M ropertyi i li Will Ww Writes h.m he: he MM "ILCT - 1 It. end that, um tvrTl 'jjrYg -t wM . sol cover ifc. ot.lItllBl C M. -T T Q7 low btr-Zr rertr iiUBftrB. MPT to -be i strraWMslITviD-rM e e. babwtt.Ginea. ctre:iy calledanpeeior no manurac--:-r oy a. Uli.Bridgewater, Base. CtKler , recent 1 lie-la innil use i Uwtr ue itoa II J ainrtiao omiiiials fraas IBBaJtharaaaads ar bow ta ib.o aifni iparatlaa as th jaamstaae atxteaa w ektitmtt'vnan. wl'-lected chemical and PttBBMHJL. laS tba Isaac aaaf isoaa'il exnerisssss sf a,n , orp. ef Profraaoe,. wtu Insure a liberal and cctt-pre-UBarense.l'Ca. tooctlriutiLiiiM. D , FTofeaaorI. r. Tk3fX. Eo as FTCit Sew.$nsnraitrtTENNESSEEniUKE ANII FIRE I.VSIKA5CB(0Of Xisshville, Tens.CAPiTAI, :::::: S150,000josbpb tauix, rwi a. w. vmn, secy.DIRECTOBS:JohnM Will. Alex Allieun.leaps Carrey, E. H, Sliftasi. M.Pocx, ! TomU, J,X. B. AUowoe, w. .J. & LOKSDVU, Aroat.ootll -It JoSbnon itreei, Mempkia. o.MErn8 IHS1IEASCE VOflPAKT,?f esaiphirj, Tcanetue.CAPITAL $150,000.Sara. Mosby, Pret; Ben May, Seoy.ornoB on nrrcBAOi itkbet.DIE ECTOR.A. 0. EABSii, Sak. Mout,a O. ATlinoi, W. WiliJ. O. KUIIU, " E1. 1. EAWXIBUHOME lSlRiXF JOTfPAM.OF MEMPHIS, TENN.ABTHOEIZED CAPITAL I wfJAJLA MTT CAPITAL(30 000 ,100.00.CHARTERS J hr the Lefi.latnr. of T.-oneaoee BoasaoBo; lfiOO-'K. to mahe Fire, life and Mann. aocaoae as Oa r.-uaioru w wcti-ipedi.nt In aiew of which tbey Bae a-ranrii be followin Companlea, tor re-Insurance ay aaawita.pen policies:Kriti.h CommercU!, UoBdoa..Capital A100A0001 000.00s.too twoJOOOlooitablePlreInl malionai tarr, -laicheraocher Ufa, Uailed SUtos,oneoltdatad FireAt tthe 10th l-stant. thee scirtl for IhrmarJAEBS B. THOP.NT0X, L J. DUPBBB,'BO R OEAMT, TH'S MiaDAM,STEPHEN B. rrRTlS, J. MTLFOiiD,SEKRT &. ELSa, JOS BARBljSrB, Jr.JABTES BOEO.risaarr rnaraflTTXC.- V f-W!. L J. DCPEBB. E. 3.MH-.ccl i-asa:nrr O B 6EAKT, 1 , BbAttorney J B. THORNTON. BoaAmreJbvS P BAXEEBAD. BaqAni at a meellne of tbe n-w Directory ofbe llth mat , tbe fMownhf oaaoera arm i rjonac ax tbaroar:JABTES B THOENTOW. PnrldmtGE.i E. GRANT. Vict Peoaadfat.THOS ErADAE Secrtturw.OPFICB Ka S Eadtaoo stroet. earner Fnart Bow.hasoaoEwH0l E. SI4.., hD 0BNAME.VTALPAINTING, DECORATING, &cW. H a PASSiafORETAEESthia method of Infermlnn the clttaeaa of Meatphte taat be has permanently ocated himse f hersta carry oo the shore bnetBeoa, and assures those atsir rarer Ltm with their pairoaace that al! work -ro-restedto him win hare hla tiriot PEESONAL ATTIKrIOK la the setocUoB and p'.psrs ion of the materialss wen as the faithfsl exicatlua of th wok. N eierton will be pafeai on hia part to fire aati-ta . ar.cperioral th waak thoroturhty, aad at the same lime unit th' taate ,.f the aaoat fs-udions.Bis lour eiperieree warrsaii him El aayiac that EEontraotswUl be compiled with to the satire aattofarhVatf those who mar patronise hm. They may alaa reals-eured that any work anderuken by him wil .be i.romplFor QnaliSeotioos. he be leare to refer to the roDown pereoBS i Capt. C B Church. Copt. T Nr-well. BrW. Pw lee, Capt. J Ooatee Capt. A see Er. G Ft! tierrf Sh'-'ton'f Praa Store myr-dlyMEMPHIS WHOI.KSD.IaTEAM CR.AtEEE BEEEEV iU CAfDYMAIiUFAuTORY.EBLLT wnalj respectfnlly I form his frsrsdo aadtrie public fteaera'rr. that he menu fact area dallyD.t has stood, a ft- e an lanre eaeor' rpent of erertthlnsn hie line, which be will sell as low ss they can be boturhtinywhe else, and warranted to Sire cewetal attafar! ion Give him a call, a, yon car. ret them pord andfresh at D KELLY'S,-lrd Wo Hnsiril'. Sow, Memphis. Tin.French Dye-House & ScouringESTABLISHMENT.IIAVING returned feoan Europe, would Inform theCttaaaaaaf M-urpLia, that the is again prepared to!ye Silk. . M-rinoa and W.l na to any ahaCe dealrwl.-t wt : also Repair, ac ur and Dye Ge.u. men's Caothme. Ladles' St aw... Boooeta. ParasoO. Ribbon, andfaded Dre'srsof erery d-aciipti G.--ds dyed la ihebast manner at the rh-jrlesl notice, and oo r-se. nahl.term. MRS. L. EfJMPF.auglf-tm Corr- - Bbeihr and Garoao .ta.NOTICE.THE THIRD AND LAST CALLr WILL attend at Cnioo Depot oa Boaday, SaaBraaher7th, and at Seen B-fom o- Tneaday. the StE, atEaulaft Boat aa Baa Bay, the llth. at rail a oaMon Ur. t 11 -t at OoUierril e, oa Monday, tae Sftlhat G-rmantowB oi Monday, the ftth of Oiober, at Be-hanlc-vile L-i.'rict oo Mob ar, the 13th Octet ' aad atGlenu'a Shp District, Bo IS. on Hen-lay tbd ISh torh of taking a LIST of tbe rAXABLE PROPKRTT of Shelby Coaaty, and Bt-h hope erery one willmeet aae aad aaro troohtoaB my part aad expeioeonE W C A LB WELL,p2-wSm Tax Aao-aeor.Sale of the WesternMILITARY ASYLUM,4T H ARRODSBI RG.KENTI C KT.A B AGENT foe the G--ernmect, I will offer lor asle oothe prrmie-s, l . the higbeat bidder,Oa lb IBIS Day of H:v rr.b.r. 1S57,the shove pr.p-rtT. recent I e occapled by the Ct.ited SUtosaa a Military Astlam. Tbe land conaiaU o snoutarli-ioicg the t ,wn of Harrodshurg hanrlaiioialy OMproredwith iiaasi'ii'i baialings aod g-o . and a mtnera!spring '.oof oaaabrat d ar the of its waters Bor .re tbe proper! t wa porrtaeed br ibe (Y rernment nwaa one of th taost coi- brsied Watering Places in theSooth West. It to admirably adapted to such a purpose,-reins sltnaood in a pictcreaciar and healthy country . andn tbe midst or a ta Heated aad bospruble ctmmaalty.It l-deewj d BBimeiaaiy to deacribe the property moreparucalariy, sine- It to as eztrnoireay kaowa oa any ethertoe I ion n tbe West.At th same time and place will be aold a large quantity ofWiUwble Eurni r a reef rrecj kin 1, I'-f' her with liv gptocY, cooa:stiDg ofHORSES. CATTLE. & ..awl am -tth-m a onmherof ralaal'ie cattleof the Aider -amhrrsaf.Terms or Silz The iaa.1 and laprrrreaaest wl!ib- o d f j one thud is haad and the remainder la twoa -la I annual paroseats, bearing a is pT cent . interestfi..m th da, of asle, aad the title will he reiatnsd by theGoremment until the last pal meat is made.Ta personal property wtl b old sr cash.aep 1 td. ROB' J. BR-EIVtna,w.Harris. Wcrmeley & Co ,WHOLESALE CROCER8COn.lIIWalOaV flERCHAJVTS,7S. H Front How.OFFERS AT WHOLESALE:rsill .--! E Race 11s: Brandie.,I Hir.l sndMachine Rope; beat import d ;r ui i l-.i : aaa aj : MSeep Crsdet ax.d Starch ; rebala comraos to verysugar. C ff -e aad V-dastea ; ftae and obl :Linseed Sperm. Tsarvars. WlBra Pvit, Sherry. BaLntsretatlng aad Olive de.ra. Malara. ChamOtU; pagne nd Claret :Bacltla Rope; Jamaica St C alx and t Beanoa Malls; O. Ebw ;Snsff. aad Csgarr; American and


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